The casino-themed comedy series, starring Dan Lauria, Tony Denison, Carmine Giovinazzo and Woodbridge native Ronnie Marmo, tells the story of Greg Mucha, a young man who becomes a professional poker in lieu of accepting his inheritance.
“When I first read the script I almost fell out of the chair laughing," Marmo said.
"I’ve worked with Tom in the past and am excited to get to do it again! The cherry on top is to get to shoot in and around Woodbridge Township. It’s a dream come true for me to come back home and get to work around the area I grew up in with people I love.”
Produced by New Jersey-based company 624 Productions LLC, the majority of the pilot’s filming will take place in Monmouth County, Middlesex County, Mercer County and Atlantic City with a final filming location in Las Vegas.
The filming is set to begin in late summer.
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